Fat Dissolving


What is it ?

Here at Mrs Page Aesthetics, we are proud to offer LEMON BOTTLE which are created by industry leading manufacturers. Fat dissolving injections are a specific type of injection that can destroy and remove fat cells in specific areas. Lemon bottle is made out of natural ingredients which include lemon juice, water, riboflavin, lithecin, bromelain, and other substances that increase the metabolism of fat cells. The solution is injected into the stubborn area of fat and turns the fat into fatty acid, which is then eliminated through urine.

Lemon Bottle is injected into the fatty deposit area. The solution then breaks down the stubborn fat wall, breaking each cell down turning the fat into fatty acid. Which is then emptied through your bladder each time you wee. Water intake must be 2 litres a day after treatment to help flush the fatty acid out quicker. 

How long do fat dissolving injections take to work?

Using Lemon Bottle, you can see results as quick as 24 hours. This product continues to work for 6 weeks after treatment, however, for very stubborn areas on a tight timeframe, you can be retreated once a week with a maximum of 10 vials (100ml).

Is it painful?

Lemon Bottle has changed the industry of fat dissolving injections. Making it the most minimally painful and invasive procedure! With minimal swelling and downtime compared to other products on the market! Topical lidocaine can be used to minimise pain.

Treatment Areas

‘Double Chin’ Fat under chin and jawline area

Facial fat to help contour areas

Arms ‘Bingo Wings’

Inner or Outer Thigh

Back Hump Fat

Upper Stomach

Lower Stomach

Hips ‘Love Handles’

Back Fat ‘Bra Strap Fat’

Lower Back Fat

Mons Pubis


Below Glutes ”Banana Roll”

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving on Chin and Jawline - results after 1 session

Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving on Chin and Jawline - results 6 days after 1st Session